Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Connecting Michigan to South Carolina (Re: Fred Thompson)

In the below post I connected the importance of Michigan going on to South Carolina, regarding Fred Thompson. Here is some more, even more positive for Fred, from American Chronicle. The previous article showed the Romney factor, for the Thompson factor. This one shows the McCain factor, for Thompson.

  • New Hampshire Primary: Post-Mortem

  • Dustin Gawrylow
  • January 9, 2008
  • Republicans
  • John McCain's "surge" in New Hampshire will likely be short lived unless he can run within 3 points of Mitt Romney in Michigan. Since Romney's father George was governor of Michigan, failing to decisively win Michigan would probably represent a death blow to any momentum being created going into his February 5th efforts.
  • Mike Huckabee, with his 3rd place - beating Rudy Giuliani in his back yard - showed that his strength goes beyond the bible belt. Ron Paul's tie with Giuliani in independent rich New Hampshire would have to be viewed as a slight disappointment given his stronger than expected showing in Iowa last week.
  • Michigan will also be big for Fred Thompson whose future in South Carolina may be predicted by McCain's performance in Michigan. If McCain struggles in Michigan and Romney walks away with the state, the likelihood that McCain will bow out and endorse Thompson before February 5th increases. A strong McCain performance in Michigan will mean that Thompson will have to will South Carolina on his own and will require a dismal McCain performance in S.C. to build any momentum at all.
  • Of course, being the Fusion Candidate allows Fred Thompson to hang back and aim for delegates rather than states and hope for a convention decision. [more, if ya care to read about the Democrats]
Either article looks good for Thompson one way or the other, depending on what happens to McCain or what happens to Romney, in Michigan. Most important for MICHIGANDERS, y'all need to VOTE FOR FRED!

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