Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mike Huckabee on Greta

Mike Huckabee is currently on Greta VanSustren right now. He says he is still celebrating his second place finish at Ames. Many people who were not even given tickets, from the Huckabee campaign, voted for him at the Straw Poll. He is talking about his New Hampshire strategy. People in New Hampshire want someone who can give answers. He is just the man with the answers. He feels his showing in New Hampshire will be an even better result than in Iowa.

Sims and Difs 'tween him and George Bush. For similarity he says he is not scripted or has handlers around him, just as the way when Bush was running in 2000. Differences, they have different backgrounds. He can from a working class family. He is not running away from that lifestyle. He is running toward the American dream. (Last sentence, my add-in)
Secure borders. If the Republicans don't talk about securing the borders they will lose votes. Talking about Fair Tax. Band, Capitol Offense, will play the White House.
I know that reporters are supposed to be neutral, but I think Greta Likes Mike!
Well it looks like I might start picking out a dress pattern for the President Huckabee Inauguration!


Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

I have a 3 piece suit I'm saving especially for the occasion. The fundraising stuff he mentioned in the interview was very encouraging. Today is the official 1/2 way mark in the 3rd quarter.

Michigan Redneck said...

Yes, the fundraising info was awesome! I was listening and blogging at the same time.
I think I may have found the dress I will be making, from 1956 takes 4 1/2 yards of fabric. I am looking for that perfect pattern, new or vintage, and will let the readers pick for me.

Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

very cool idea. i wish i had some sort of talent i could use like that.