Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Brownback Wants an Apology/Mike Huckabee's Statement on Campaign Supporters.

From the Houston Chronicle;

  • Associated Press
    WASHINGTON — Republican presidential hopeful Sam Brownback said rival Mike Huckabee should apologize for a supporter's "prejudiced whisper campaign" against him for being Catholic.
    The supporter, a pastor in Windsor Heights, Iowa, sent an e-mail to Brownback supporters pointing out that Huckabee is an evangelical Protestant and Brownback is not. Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, is an ordained Baptist minister.
    "I know Senator Brownback converted to Roman Catholicism in 2002," the Rev. Tim Rude, pastor of Walnut Creek Community Church, wrote in the e-mail. "Frankly, as a recovering Catholic myself, that is all I need to know about his discernment when compared to the governor's."
    In the e-mail, Rude calls Huckabee "one of us."
    Rude apologized Tuesday, saying he never meant to sound critical of Catholicism.
    Brownback, a Methodist until he converted, said through a spokesman that Huckabee should apologize.
    Huckabee spokesman Eric Woolson said Rude is not a campaign staffer and was expressing a personal opinion in what he believed was a private e-mail.

Mike Huckabee's Statement

  • “While I’m deeply grateful that many people of faith support me because they know I represent views compatible with theirs, I know that there are many others who support me because of an effective record of achieving results. Either way, I’m grateful for the support. "

    “I consider Sam Brownback a Christian brother and know that he feels likewise toward me. Like Senator Brownback, several key members of my staff are Roman Catholic. As believers, we don’t have time to fight each other. We need to focus on having a servant’s spirit and bringing hope to those who have given up.”
    Read the full release here.

While Mike Huckabee, nor his staff, did any wrongdoing I think his statement was great and he handled the situation well. That is ridiculous of Brownback to expect an apology. Tim Rude was emailing on his own and had nothing to do with the Huckabee campaign. If anyone should give an apology it should be Rev. Rude.


Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

You know, this is exactly the sort of ignorance that gets people in trouble. Gov. Huckabee needs to kick Tim Rude in the throat.


Anonymous said...

Nugent supports Huckabee for President?

Michigan Redneck said...

Hey, annonymous, thank you for the article! It may not be an endorsement for Mike Huckabee, but hey Ted loves Huckabee. AWESOME!