I am watching Chris Mathews. Think that's bad? Guess who his guest is? "Mann" Coulter. I am not watching it per say, as it's just background noise while I'm on my computer. The two of them are arguing. I will say I was quite surprised. I thought the episode would be broadcast from a cheap motel and the two would be pillow-talking. Like I said, I'm not paying too much attention. She said military personnel love to listen to "Ann and Rush." She will vote for "any nincompoop that the Republican Party puts out in the general election." I can't look directly into the TV screen, or watching her Adams Apple bob up and down will make me throw up my chocolate mouse whipped Yoplait yogurt. All her supporters are impressionable college kids. There is an eight year old girl in the background. Some of them are holding up McCain signs. Figures, they both are grumpy and hate-filled. Well, I'm off to pray to the porcelain god.
Ooh this is good, Elizabeth Edwards is on the phone. I will hold "it" back. This is too good to miss. Elizabeth is asking politely for her to stop personal attacks. I don't like John Edwards, but I will say that Mrs. Edwards is at least polite. Ann is acting like a twit and laughing at Elizabeth. If Elvis were alive today he would go through tons of shot out TVs. Now the subject of chubby legs, Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. I wish I could slap Miss Anorexia. Why is she making defend Democrat chicks? Thanks, "Mann." (said in snotty smart-ass voice)
What's up with this commercial for AT&T Broadband commercial? They are making a pun on Viagra commercials. They are talking about "connectile dysfunction." This dude is acting embarrassed while on his computer. This chick walks up to the dude. "Your not the first guy this has happened to." He gets broadband and this chick is sitting next to him and they make google eyes at each other. I hate when FOX News has the actual commercials for Viagra and Cialis. I guess men who watch mainstream media have "problems."
She says Republican Party is not the party of corporate America. This is the first time she's heard of it. She says Republicans are the party of the little man. It was Ann, until you and Rush came along. Now you have opened the door for Ebeneezer Scrooge.
Some dude in the audience is holding a sign that says "Marry me Ann." I guess some of these Viagra popping men like to be "whipped."
Now she called Monica Lewinsky a chubby Jew. Why "Mann?". Why do you make me defend....?
She just said of Christoper Hitchens The Creator is planning his destruction, smiling. She says "that makes me laugh." Christopher Hitchens wrote a book called, God is not Great.
She says Obama goes to a crazy church. Why "Mann?". Stop making me defend!!!! Why won't she say Mitty-poo goes to crazy church? Oh yeah, she's probably "sealed" to him and will be making babies with him on his planet he'll go to when he dies. But I don't think "Hipless" can have babies.
Finally, it's over!!! I kept the bile down all this time.
I hear the bathroom calling.
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