Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Politicians Say the Funniest Things!

OK, so I was checking my email. I get NewsMax, among other publications, delivered to my inbox. This recent was about Fred Thompson's appearance on Jay Leno Tuesday. I will share the whole article with you. I had to laugh my arse off when I read the last line.

I was then reminded of a bi-partisan book I have. I purchased it at the Attic Sale from the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island by former Wisconsin Senator Carol Roessler Politicians Say the Dumbest Things in regards to dumb and funny quotes politicians have said throughout history. So now I have decided to occasionally add quotes from the book.

First, though, I will add the e-article about Thompson.

  • Fred Thompson Says 'Yes' to Nation's Top Job
  • Fred Thompson didn't enter the 2008 presidential race Tuesday, but he talked like he was getting close to jumping in.
    Asked by Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" if he'd like the nation's top job, the former Tennessee senator said, "I've never craved the job of president, but I want to do some things that only a president can do."
    "So," Thompson added, "the answer is yes."
    Thompson - a Republican best known for playing a prosecutor on NBC's "Law & Order" - has formed a presidential exploratory committee and is expected to join the GOP race this summer.
    He insisted he wasn't ready to make any announcements on Leno's couch, but made a point to mention the Web site for his political committee. When asked by Leno about his reaction to the political waters, Thompson said he found them "warm."
    "I'm at a stage of my life now when I think about my country, I think about the kind of country my kids are going to grow up in," he said.
    He griped about campaigns that "are entirely too long." And he took a swipe at Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying she was "trying to balance . . . her prior positions with the new requirements of politics in the Democratic Party."
    If he runs, it will be as a Washington outsider.
    Referring to his time in the U.S. Senate, he said, "I often say after eight years in Washington, I longed for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood."

OK, so he wants to run as a Washington outsider? Huh? He was a Senator in D.C. for 8 years. So, if he doesn't want to be an "insider" what will his experience be if he ain't gonna mention his time in D.C.? Oh, I know, he knows about the law. Due to his time playing a DA on TV. Well now, that makes me think. I like to watch forensic shows on Court TV, Discovery, A & E and other cable networks. I must know alot about forensic science and crime. I think I will send my resume to the Michigan State Police to be detective and tell them about all the shows I watch. I'm sure that will get me hired. Me and Fred have the same logic. Whatcha think?

Now, the other thing is, he missed the "realism and sincerity of Hollywood"? WTF!!! For real, I thought Republicans were supposed to hate Hollywood? Again, I think I am living in a parallel universe. He is telling people who hate Hollywood, "Vote for me, I love Hollywood." Granted, he could have been playing to the audience. If that's the case, we don't need someone who says one thing then another, just to satisfy the audience of the moment.

That is why support of Mike Huckabee is soooo important. He doesn't pander to anyone! He is genuine and authentic. His views are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Just keep reading my book reports and you will see what kind of real man Mike is.

God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!

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