Thursday, June 7, 2007

Huckabee Warns Christians NOT to Abandon Principles

In this article in the Washington Times Mike Huckabee makes a plea to Christians. He tells Christians not to abandon their beliefs.

"Christian conservatives are on the brink of becoming irrelevant in this election cycle if they do not remain active because they really believe something about their faith that drives them into the political arena," he said in remarks made at a Pew Forum press conference. Typically, Christians have entered the political arena out of concern for the family, to stop abortion and because of other issues that "really emanate from our faith," he said. "If they say those issues are not as important this time; if they say the real issues are taxes or national security, then frankly, they are just another Republican special interest group."

He talked about how he combined his faith and governing of Arkansas when over 75,000 Katrina evacuees entered his state. He organized church leaders to help house evacuees. He did not do things half-arse.
"I promise you, faith guided me through all of that, not just in terms of my compassion for the people I saw. ... I determined we were not going to treat these people like boxes ... stacking them up in some sports arena and calling that rescue. It went back to the simple prescription: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," he said, quoting Luke 6:31.
About reporters constantly asking him God questions, "I wasn't sure whether I was being interviewed to be president of the United States or chaplain of the Senate," he added.
In regards to other candidates trying to seperate their faith from the way they govern, "I sometimes marvel when people running for office are asked about faith and their answer is, 'Oh, I don't get into that. I keep that completely separate. My faith is completely immaterial to how I think and how I govern.' To me that's really tantamount to saying, 'My faith is so marginal, so insignificant, so inconsequential, that it really doesn't impact the way I live.' I'd consider that an extraordinarily shallow faith."

He also talked about how money is affecting the way the media, including "fair and balanced" FOX News, has been treating who are electable. "This whole process is being driven solely by money and not by message. ... If we're not careful, we're leading this country not towards a presidency but to a plutocracy. I am not sure that's where we want to be."

I truly believe that it is possible for someone to lead the country through faith and include all Americans, regardless of religious preferences. The person who can do this? Mike Huckabee. He proved this during the Katrina incident.

To read the whole article click the link at the top of the page.
God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!

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