Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blogger Call Part 1

Today I participated in another Mike Huckabee blogger call. In on the call was James Robinson, who has a Christian ministry since the 1060's in Texas.* Also in on the call was Micheal Ferris from the Home School Defense Association.
UPDATE: Ha, ha! Usually when I realize I made a mistake on my writing I usually delete and correct, but this was too funny to delete. I meant 1960's not 1060's. Wow that would make both these guys really old. I hope ya can laugh with me rather than at me.

I asked kind of a dorky question of both Mr. Huckabee and Mr. Ferris. I was nervous and my question was last so I tried to hurry when I asked. My question was about bringing more extensive home-ec curriculums back into schools. I asked this question because I have heard from ladies from church, who volunteer at the food bank, when people are given staples such as flour, rice and pasta the recipients ask, "What I am supposed to do with this."
I asked them if schools should bring back more extensive home-ec curriculms. Any woman over the age of thirty will tell you that home-ec is more than making meat loaf and a pretty apron. It also teaches how to live a life in the adult world, after graduating. My high school actually had a home-ec department. There were separate classes for sewing, food and life skills. In sewing we were taught how to use the most of fabrics, pick the best fabric for the value. Food class taught the basics of ingredients and spices and how to use best what's already in your cupboard. Life skills was just that. We learned how to get along with our peers, family, work relations, dating and future spouses. All three classes teach about family budgets.
Since both of them are men they probably weren't sure how to answer the question. I kind of feel bad about putting them both on the spot. Mr. Ferris' answer was rather quick, but made sense. He said that in the home schooling it's not part of a curriculm, but part of encouraging family values. He then asked Mr. Huckabee to answer. He said he might be able to answer the question better.
Mike Huckabee said, "I was afraid of that." His answer was more on the life skills end of the spectrum. He said that in our modern culture it's more caught than taught. There should be rules in the home. When he was governor of Arkansas the school system had classes teaching the principles of character. It was not religious based. The classes taught about manners. The kids were taught about basic life skills such as answering the phone, introducing themselves to new people, introducing friends and family to each other and using eye contact. They were also taught how to deal with problems. He said that they were taught about structures in life.
I am sorry if this sounds boring my heart was in my throat when I asked the question so my notes were rather sloppy on this. Both gentlemen probably wished they had gotten a different question for the last question. The recording will be up on the explorehuckabee website, so you can listen in on his answers.
I will be adding more from this call in a few more other posts.

God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!


Anonymous said...

You definitely have nothing to feel bad about...your question opened the door for Mike to talk about different aspects of education than is normally discussed. His answer was great, I thought.

Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

Uhg! My power died in my apartment and I couldn't charge my cell phone or use my Vonage phones :(

I'm bummed. At least one of us got to play "stump the candidate" though!

That's actually a good question, it will get him thinking about it at least. I asked the Net Neutrality question a while ago and that's slowly turning into a platform issue for him.

Have you had the chance to meet Governor Huckabee yet?


Michigan Redneck said...


You're correct. His answer was great. In the long run it shows that he is quick on his feet and able to answer unexpected questions.
This should not be just a woman's issue. 50% of the American population is single. So, grown men need to know how to make best of their grocery budget, whether they have a good job or are getting assistance.
I don't know about you but I get sick of going grocery shopping and buying basics and store brands. And I am in line behind someone on WIC or foodstamp cards and she's buying junk food, name brand products and mac n cheese in the "blue box." This all on my tax dollars.
When the food bank posts things they need donated they list junk food. I can understand canned goods, since it lasts longer than fresh veggies. But oreo's?

Michigan Redneck said...


"Stump the Candidate", I like that. Unfortunately, I have not had a chance to meet "The Gov." I have been in contact with the campaign and suggested he come up to the UP to either the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference or the Labor Day Bridge Walk. George HW Bush and Gerald Ford have walked the Mackinac Bridge. I think George W. Bush and Bill Clinton also walked the bridge. I can only hope. If so I want him to sign "Stella", my six-string.

Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

Once you meet him, you'll be a lot more comfortable on the phone I think. He's just like any one of us... only he's running for President.

In regards to your question, I agree completely about its importance. My ability to hand sew fabric in a pinch got me through Basic Training... likewise, I can't cook to save my life. In fact, I might cook to the peril of my life. I could have used better training in school