So, I guess Fred Thompson is planning on running. In this article in FOX news online it says he is setting up a "Friends of Fred Thompson" committee and will make an official announcement in July. I keep hearing all over in the media how the dissatisfied Christian conservatives have been waiting for Christian conservative to enter the race and overtake Rudy McRomney. Umm, I don't know what rock these people have been living under, but there has been a conservative Christian in the race since about mid-Feb. His name is Mike Huckabee.
Some people are comparing him to Ronald Reagan. The only comparison I can find is that both have been actors. I don't know too much about Fred Thompson. I know he is a Washington insider and has been a lobbyist. Call me crazy, but he just reminds me of the stereotype that Democrats make of the fat-cat-white-middle-age Republican. Every time I see him on TV and speak he just seems like a smug country-clubber. I just don't trust him.
Some people are comparing him to Ronald Reagan. The only comparison I can find is that both have been actors. I don't know too much about Fred Thompson. I know he is a Washington insider and has been a lobbyist. Call me crazy, but he just reminds me of the stereotype that Democrats make of the fat-cat-white-middle-age Republican. Every time I see him on TV and speak he just seems like a smug country-clubber. I just don't trust him.
Mike Huckabee is likable and has conservative/Christian values. I trust him. He is pro-life, pro-marriage, he supports Fair Tax and supports Net neutrality.
I agree 100%, Kathy. In fact, I posted earlier about some of my frustrations with this very subject, http://huckabee.wordpress.com/2007/06/01/on-the-state-of-the-republican-party/ .
I just don't believe that Fred is the savior that the conservative media is making him out to be.
Thank you, Jeremy, for your comment. And thank you so much for the link.
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