I have been having writers block all day today, even when I found good Huckabee articles. I did save them in my browser. I just couldn't come up with the right words to write. Until just now. I have been listening to my Brian Setzer "Rockabilly Riot 1" CD. If you don't remember or haven't heard of him, Brian Setzer was the lead singer of the Stray Cats. This CD is cover songs of many great songs from the best rock era ever! All these songs were originally recorded at SUN Records in Memphis Tennessee. Listening to this great music gets my creativity flowing.
David Brody of Pat Robertson's CBN network asked the presidential candidates about House Democrats wanting to stop funding for abstinence only programs in schools. Read his full article here. The only two to respond were Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback. Rudy McRomney campaigns didn't respond. I would expect ol' Giuliani to not respond. Not sure if this surprises me about McCain. I would think Mitty would have, if only to pander.
Some highlights from Mike Huckabee. "I do not believe in teaching about sex or contraception in public schools. That is the responsibility of the parents. I miss the America where Gideons gave Bibles to Fifth Graders instead of school nurses giving condoms to eighth graders...."
In an article Mr. Brody refers to Michigan Representative David Dingell (D) of Michigan is quoted as saying "the decision to stop funding wasn't difficult at all. Abstinence only education seems to be a colossal failure." Why do the dorks (professional word of the day) of Michigan seem to get the national attention?
My rant and rave for the day.
Now, Mr. Dingell is it the abstinence only that is a failure or is it the parents? Too many parents want to be "buds" with their kids. They are scared of their kids not liking them. Oh boo-hoo! As a gen-xer, I am probably from the last generation to be raised where kids were taught to respect themselves and that kids are NOT "little adults". The problem is mothers and fathers don't respect each other. It doesn't matter if they are divorced or not. Of course it is best if they are married and married for the right reasons. When kids see the men and women who are closest in their lives not respecting each other how can they respect themselves? If they can't respect themselves they can't respect others. Boys AND girls need a father who doesn't think women are blow-up dolls. They also need a mother who does not talk down to or about the father. Parents need to teach their kids that dating and marriage is about more than love/lust.
I recall a while back seeing on TV where in the '50's that they used to have life lesson films. One of these films was "Suzy" the teenage girl was walking around town with a baby carriage, her baby not babysitting, and all the other teenagers were pointing and laughing at her. And the "announcer guy" was talking about how "Suzy" used to be popular and now nobody talks to her. I think schools should bring these films back. Except they should also show "Suzy's" boyfriend being laughed at also. It goes both ways. It may be politically incorrect, but I don't care. Nowadays, it is almost a status symbol to have a kid while in school. During this time in American life boys respected AND liked girls who said "no." In this era boys, and grown men for that matter, respect girls/women who say "no" but don't like them. Or they like girls who "put out" but not respect them. This confuses both males and females. Gloria Steinem and the whole "sexual revolution" has ruined male/female relations.
God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Huckabee Supports Abstinence Only Program
Posted by
Michigan Redneck
9:18 PM
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