As most of you know, I have been working on a carry on bag that says "I Like Mike." I have tried and tried to upload my videos of the process, to no avail. I will continue to try. I am multi-tasking in that. I talk about Mike Huckabee while sewing. But never fear, I have at least taken still photos of the process.
Some of y'all out there may be wondering why I am taking time to make a bag instead of talking about Mike Huckabee. Well, here's my answer. The way I see it, I will be traveling to Iowa on a bus. People talk to each other on the bus. What else is there to do? Conversations usually start out with "Where are you going? Do you have family or friends there? Are you on vacation?". I plan on telling everyone I talk to on the bus about Mike Huckabee. Since ya can't just go up to strangers and have political conversations with strangers, I thought this bag would make a great ice-breaker. People would ask me about the bag. Then there would be an opening to talk about Mike.
People on buses are usually the working poor. Some of them get government assistance. They usually either don't follow politics much. If they do they buy into the concept that the socialist ideals of the Democrats are going to save them, without doing much, if any research. Mike Huckabee is just the REPUBLICAN candidate that I can talk about without getting mentally assaulted. They will understand that he cares about the poor without giving handouts. When I have talked to people on the bus, the ones who are blue collar who are not on assistance they are the ones who get most upset with assistance programs. But they still know the hardships of being poor and trying to keep food on the table. Mike Huckabee is just the candidate they can support once they hear about him.
So let's get going and see my progress!

Elephant cut and pinned.

Zig-zagging the elephant. I had a little problem with the zig-zag attachment, in the beginning. I got it figured out, eventually. So it didn't turn out as good as I wanted it to. I hand sewed the "Like" words. His gold collar was taken from the scrap drawer out of the cabinet, that my grandma already had in there when she gave me the sewing machine. The red sequin for the eye was taken from a head band I wore with a flapper costume.

Finished the zig-zagging. The elephant ended up a little puffy. Again, I usually don't zig-zag, especially with felt. Any products that I should sell will be handled more careful.
I will keep you informed of my progress as I go along. All I need to do is sew on the "Mike" and I can get starting sewing the bag. I have started sewing my coasters. I will post the pics and instructions for those today. That way, you will have time to do it yourself. Unless you started some of your own.
As for the top pic. This is not my bedroom. I do not sleep with stuffed animals. That's "Puppy White." I had him since I was a kid. Now he is "Puppy Beige." I keep him there for my guests. As my sewing room is also my guest room.
Well, gotta "Shake, Rattle and Roll!" and God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!
Hi Kathy,
Its looks like the bag is coming along great! The elephant is the perfect touch. Can't wait to see it all finished. Great Job!!!
it's people like you that make michigan look bad. keep sewing and stay out of politics.
The only reason I allowed this childish comment to post is because I am curious as to why you would say that. I have a few questions for you. Have you read any of my other posts? If so, why did you choose a buried post from months ago? Are you from Michigan? Are you into politics? Are a Ron Paul supporter? Are you a Democrat? Please explain.
allow me to apologize for my rudeness, i happened upon your blog while i was in a mood, and allowed my immaturity to get the best of me.
i am from michigan, born in lapeer and raised in flint and detroit. as far as my political position is concerned i'm in the middle, and i'm obviously into politics. i'm not a ron paul supporter, i support obama.
i posted this comment because of your rude comments regarding michael moore. before i explain, i have a few questions for you. have you ever been to any of michigan's major cities for more than a concert, shopping trip, or sporting event? if so, which ones? if not, have you ever met someone who was raised in an impoverished city? do you have health insurance? and finally, have you ever had anyone close to you killed because of gun violence?
michael moore is actually trying to do something to better our state, which is more than can be said for any republican. he actually cares about the people who, like him, grew up in a poor neighborhood and aspire to be something better. people who care about their home enough to see that some serious changes are made.
I am sure we can dis-agree til we are both blue in the face regarding Mike Moore.
I will say I grew up in one Flint's suburbs. I visited my paternal grandparents in one Davidson's poorest neighborhood. As you know, Davidson is where Michael Moore grew up. In fact one of my aunts graduated from Davidson High with Mike Moore. My grandfather, who is a Democrat, took care of a wife and seven kids on GM shop rat salary.
I have an aunt and uncle who have lived in Flint's ghetto as long as I have known them. I have visited them quite often growing up. I have gotten to see how things have changed in the area from the early 80's to present. It was never the best neighborhood. But things have gotten worse. The Republicans are not to blame.
IMHO, both the UAW and GM can be put to blame for Flint's demise. Both of them got greedy. What used to be quality products for quality rates turned into crappy products for overpriced rates. What do you think was going to happen? Less people were going to buy GM cars, and those on the assembly line were going to pay for this greediness. Mr. Fatcat Union boss cares about these people about as much as Mr. Fatcat Six-Figure CEO does.
The Democrat politicians want to see these people stay on government assistance and housing, because they like the power of the modern plantation system. None of these programs give incentives for people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get off assistance. There are 3rd generation welfare mommas in Flint and Lansing and nobody is giving them incentive to break the chain. I am sure it is the same in Detroit and other big cities. I can't comment on other cities than Flint/Lansing. I had lived in East Lansing as an adult, along with living in a trailor park outside of Lansing. I visited friends in Lansing and some of their neighbors and friends were some piece of works.
Yes, I do have health insurance. It is provided through my employer.
No, I do not no anyone who was shot. I could not imagine anything more horrible to have happen to a friend or family member. I have had family members threatened while in the city of Flint.
I could go on, but right now I have so many thoughts going on. From what I recall, I have heard that Michael Moore's father was a MANAGER at GM. I could be wrong, but if that is the fact then I would not consider him to have grown up poor. My maternal grandfather was a lower level supervisor at GM he raised two daughters on that salary, never having to struggle. I will ask my dad or family members about the older Mr. Moore's position and get back on that.
michael's father worked on an assembly line, not as a manager. there's a fair amount of information regarding him on wikipedia. here's a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_moore (i will warn you, there are photographs)
i grew up on the east side of flint, on dakota. i am very farmiliar with davison and the surrounding area; my grandparents lived in lapeer until i was 18, and my first boyfriend was from davison.
that would be another reason for my stance in politics. i think the Republican agenda regarding gays is dispicable. any government that would deny equal rights to gays goes against everything this country stands for. and it amazes me how many people turned out to vote for Bush in 2004, just to be sure that gays could not get married.
also, i have personally lost someone to gun violence. having experienced that, and having grown up seeing all these school shootings and senseless killings, i believe that there needs to be a lot more control where guns and ammunition are involved. while i understand that we are a state that loves to hunt, i also believe that if you love hunting enough, you'll be dedicated enough to do all that is needed to aquire that gun, so stricter laws shouldn't be too big a problem for you.
as far as health insurance goes, i feel for people who don't have it, because i went for a long time without it, and a lot of my family is still without it. anyone that calls attention to the neglect people suffer at the hands of those in the medical field is someone i respect and admire, and it just boggles my mind when people can't appreciate that.
to me, the republican party may as well rename themselves the catholic church.
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