I thought I would share a few things of interest regarding Republican activities in Michigan.
One is my District will be having a picnic and meeting in my town the same day as the Straw Poll. I am torn between if I want to volunteer at the Straw Poll or attend the picnic, where I can tell people about Mike Huckabee. I would be able to set up a table for Mike Huckabee and set out bumper stickers. If I can work it out just right, I would set up my display between the Romney and Brownback tables.
I have emailed a field director from the campaign to see if he could send me promotion tools. I haven't heard from him yet. I hope he's just really busy. If I do attend I can not show up empty handed. I have already talked to one of the organizers of the picnic and he knows I want to promote Mike there. He also told me there will be Ron Paul supporters there. I don't care if I look like a fool, but I do not want Mike or his campaign to look like a fool. I could just see it now, the Ron Paul guy shows up with all kindsa material and I am empty handed. Yes, there will be a Ron Paul guy there. So if I don't hear from the guy from the Huckabee campaign I may need help from my fellow bloggers. There will be about 50 people. So if just a few of you each donate a few bumper stickers me, those few added together can add up to 50. Also, I would like help writing up literature.
Hopefully, I will hear from him and not need your help. The way I see it, whether or not they are waiting on the outcome of the Straw Poll, there will be just be more people knowing about him when he does have a good outcome at the Straw Poll. These are people that I do not see very often, since the 1st District consists of the entire UP and northern Lower Peninsula. Despite what some people may say, The UP and "Up North" area is not full of hicks. Charlevois and Traverse City are included in the 1st District. And those are richy rich towns.
These are people that once they hear about what Mike Huckabee stands for giving $2,300 to them is like me buying a candy bar. Oh gosh, I hope no one from the 1st District is reading this. Why ignore them until the results from the Straw Poll are in?
I will take pics from the event and post here.
The next thing is, I get emails from Mitt Romneys Michigan HQ. I feel why take myself off the email list when I can find out what they are up to? I got one today about signing up volunteers in Michigan.
- Come join Congressmen Joe Knollenberg and Pete Hoekstra, along with Scott Romney and others for Sign Up Michigan!
Sign Up Michigan! is a statewide effort in which Elected Officials, Grassroots Leaders and Volunteers, spend the day calling their friends, families, co-workers, and neighbors to recruit new members for Team Mitt, Governor Mitt Romney’s national grassroots team.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to reach out to your community and help build the team! Join us Monday August 6th and bring a friend to get in on the excitement. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
Here's my point. I would love it if the Huckabee campaign would do that here in Michigan. I would work for free. Whatever they wanted me to do, I would do it.
Now for the last part. I got an update about the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. Sam Brownback and Duncan Hunter will be there, added to the original line up of Rudy McRomney.

Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference Updatehttp://www.mackinacconference.com/
RegistrationRegistration is now open for the 27th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. Make sure to sign up today and reserve your spot at this exciting event. You will not want to miss it!
Speakers, Please check our website for updates on our featured speakers. http://www.mackinacconference.com/
Meal TicketsBe sure to order your meal tickets and secure your seat in advance. Check out our website at http://click.emailgop.com/?ju=fe881d767761017e7c&ls=fe251679746c0174761170&m=fef8167770650c&l=fef91674776303&s=fe5e10727c6401757014&jb=ffcf14&t= to order yours today. Just a reminder for those staying at the Grand Hotel, your meal tickets are included in your hotel package.
Golf TournamentTee-times are still open for the 1st Biennial "Chairman's Cup" golf tournament. Sign up today at www.mackinacconference.com/golf.asp
Vendor TablesIf you are a vendor interested in participating in the conference please check our website for additional information on obtaining a table, www.mackinacconference.com/vendors.asp
Agenda(Please note that this agenda is tentative and subject to change)
Friday, September 21, 20073:00pm-9:00pm Conference Registration opens3:00pm-9:00pm Media Registration opens3:00pm-10:00pm Vendor Tables open3:30pm-5:30pm Welcome Reception on the Front Porch5:00pm-7:00pm Pundit's and Pollsters Panel7:30pm-9:30pm Dinner Program with Special Guest Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Saturday, September 22, 20077:00am-10:00pm Conference Registration opens7:00am-10:00pm Media Room opens7:00am-10:00pm Vendor Tables open7:30am-8:30am Congressional Q & A8:00am-12:00pm Chairman's Cup Golf Tournament8:30am-10:00am Breakfast program with Special Guest10:10am-11:00am Conference Panels11:10am-12:00pm Conference Panels12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch program with Special Guest Governor Mitt Romney12:00pm-2:00pm Chairman's Cup Golf Reception2:30pm-3:20pm Conference Panels3:30pm-4:20pm Conference Panels5:30pm-7:00pm Chairman's Reception7:00pm-9:00pm Dinner Program with Special Guest Senator John McCain
Sunday, September 23, 20079:30am-10:30am Non-Denominational Church Service
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