I know Labor Day is still quite a ways away. But I would like to invite y'all to come up to the UP for the Labor Day Bridge. The Mackinac Bridge will celebrating it's 50TH anniversary this year. Every year, for the past 50 years there has been a bridge walk on Labor Day. People from all over Michigan attend this event. There is even attendance from non-Michiganders. Also is the occasional Asian or European busload of tourists. This year will attract national attention, due to the anniversary.
The reason I want to invite y'all is that this would be a great way to show support for Mike Huckabee. Think about it, 1,000s of Michiganders AND Americans, plus national media will be there. If we can all group together and show support for Mike Huckabee he will get more attention than anyone could imagine. We could all walk together wearing Mike Huckabee t-shirts and pass out bumper stickers, plus other literature with info about him. Unfortunately, we can not make banners. But most other campaigning activities are allowed. Since the Mackinac Bridge is 5 miles and it takes about 2 hours to walk people will get thirsty. If somehow we could get water bottles made up with Mike Huckabee's name on them to hand out that would be great.

will do everything I can to find places for y'all to stay. If it comes down to it, I will go out of my way to put everyone on the floor in my 750 square feet house. Ya would just have to deal with Joe, my cat, wanting to cuddle. For Mike Huckabee I think y'all would be willing to sleep on Arrow Bed in a Minute and/or sleeping bags. In fact, I would be willing to give up my bed for any "princesses."

We gotta do what we can to get Mike's name out there. In a situation like this we need to think outside the box. I suggested this event to the campaign. I guess maybe they want to wait and see what happens at the straw poll. I say, "straw poll be damned." Of course I want him to do well at the straw poll. But if he could come to the Mackinac Bridge he would get noticed. This is not a political event. So Republicans, Democrats, Independents and those who do not pay attention to politics will be there.
Michigan is one of the few states that does not require voters to register with a party. Thus non-Republicans can vote for him also. Even if he can't show up to the event, at least people can see his supporters show up in droves.
If he were to win the primary, not only would Republicans vote in droves, dis-illusioned Democrats and Independents would vote for Mike Huckabee. Maybe I am over optimistic, but I truly believe he will be able to even attract those that don't vote.
He is the only Republican who can defeat Hillary. Remember, he is from Arkansas. He knows what Hillary, and Bill Clinton are capable of. He will be able to predict her tricks. Then he could play against her tricks, using honest methods. Even if there are Republicans who could play against her tricks, do you want a president who would use dishonest methods to get elected? Anyways, Hillary would have people to watch every move of the opponent and expose them, before they were able to expose her dishonest tricks. Hillary's people would not be able to find anything dishonest about Mike Huckabee. If you recall, in the book reports I have been doing (that I got behind on), in one of the chapters Dick Morris told him that Mike's supporters "would swim the Mississippi during flood stage" for him. Hey, we might not be swimming the Mississippi, but we can cross the Mackinac Straits.

Come on, whatd'ya say? Please comment. If the campaign sees lotsa comments about people wanting to show up for Mike they will take this seriously. Considering that Mike Huckabee is the candidate who is focusing on fitness and healthy lifestyle the most, walking five miles across a 5 mile bridge would be a terrific show of that.
I will add a demand sticker from eventful, please demand. Here is a link to the bridge event http://www.mackinacbridge.org/annual-bridge-walk-7/ .
God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!
Sounds like a good idea, Kathy...but, you may want to wait until after the Straw Poll to do much planning.
Oh yes, I will definitely wait until the straw poll to make plans. But I thought I would start putting the idea in y'alls minds before then. Since there will be about three weeks between the events I want to be able to contact people about coming to Michigan ASAP once he wins the straw poll. Then we can start planning.
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