Today I participated in yet another great blogger call. While all the previous blogger calls have been wonderful this one seems to be the best one yet. I could really feel the energy from both Mike Huckabee and all the fellow bloggers asking questions. Mike Huckabee answered questions from the campaign trail in Iowa. This time I think I asked my question worded the way I meant to last week. I will get to the question and Mike's terrific answer later.
His guest for this call was Fred Bramante, Co-Chair of the New Hampshire Huckabee Exploratory Committee. He is also a member on the New Hampshire School Board. This time I spelled the guest caller's name correctly. On the last call I spelled the last name of the guest caller Ferris instead of Farris. My apologies.
Mike Huckabee wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July. He applauded all us bloggers for getting out his message and that of what is going on around us, things that don't always get printed in the mainstream media.
He made a comment about Bill and Hillary Clinton being in Iowa taking over the media, and everything else being overshadowed. It sounds like history repeating itself. If ya recall in one of my book reports I told y'all about how Bill Clinton's presidential campaign overshadowed all politics in Arkansas when Mike was running for Senate. "HOPE"fully, the end result won't be the same as in '92. For real, I don't see that happening.
He said one of the best things about living in this great country, U.S.A., is that all children can get an education and run for president, regardless of background. He feels glad that he grew up in such a great country where he got a great education that he wants to run for president and give back what was given to him and see all American children get an education.
Fred Bramante then spoke. He said there is a buzz of excitement in New Hampshire over Mike Huckabee's campaign. More people are joining up and helping the campaign grow. He said Mike has definitely risen to the top of the 2ND tier and the more people hear about him the more he will rise into the main tier. Mr. Bramante then expressed his disappointment that hardly any education questions were asked in any of the three debates. He feels that Mike Huckabee will be the President to steer education in the right direction. He also mentioned that Mike Huckabee will be the only Republican candidate to speak at the next NEA convention.
Which brings me to this blogger Q&A from Steven Nielsen of Colorado for Huckabee. I am not going to blog in order of Q&A this time, just in order I feel relevance. Not that I think any one asked irrelevant questions, just that some questions follow others more smoothly. That being said I will stop blabbering.
Steve asked Mike on his opinion of the polls showing low approval ratings for both President Bush and Congress. Mike began his answer talking about a quote from Isiah that was hanging over the fireplace of one of his judge friends in Arkansas. "Come let us reason together." He said that there is too much polarization going on between the Democrats and Republicans fighting. Most of the American people are tired of seeing and hearing both parties throwing grenades, figuratively of course, at each other. He said the big concerns of the American people are seeing the tax system replaced and border security.

This is why Mike Huckabee is such an ardent supporter of Arts and Music education. he said too many kids are bored in school and end up taking naps during class. He claims that music education will help wake up kids in class. It is a powerful and essential learning tool for kids to use both their right and left sides of their brains. He said all kids love music.
He credits that guitar with helping him overcome his shyness. With that guitar he was able to play the music he loved and get on stage in front of people. It was sort of his first intro to the public spotlight. While many people are comparing different candidates to former Presidents, I will compare him to Elvis.
While Elvis became famous for his music and Mike is becoming famous for politicking. The similarities are that growing up Elvis was shy, just like Mike. Elvis received a guitar at eleven years old, just like Mike. Elvis overcame his shyness through his guitar playing at local events, just like Mike. OK, Elvis wanted a bike instead of a guitar and Mike wanted a guitar. But think, where would either one of them be if they had gotten a bike when they were eleven? I don't want to think about it.
Now, for my question. Ya know what, I need a break. I will be back sometime today. I will finish the whole blog about the call today or tomorrow. So many great questions and answers that my head is just spinning.
God Bless from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan!
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